BlueStacks on Linux?


Today we are going to see if Is possible to install Bluestacks on Linux?.

BlueStacks is the famous Android emulator for PC that can now be downloaded for the Ubuntu Linux operating system but we also refer to other distributions like SUSE, Debian or Linux Mint.

We know BlueStacks has been developed for PC and Mac, although in the PC version is updated much more frequently.

The problem is Bluestacks has not been developed for Linux so some users are thinking what is the system they should adopt to emulate Android applications on Linux.

Fortunately an alternative exists if you need a system that can do that, now we will give you the keys to install something equivalent to BlueStacks that works correctly.

There are some emulators to run Android applications on a linux system but we especially mention an open source project Android VM project finally called Genymotion that allows to run these applications without problem and any serious distribution of Linux.

Genymotion it’s easy to use, customizable, and very fast. Also we can choose which Linux operating system we have like Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Debian Open SUSE and customize it depending on each one.

With Genymotion you can use your Android mobile games and applications from your Linux PC opening a world of possibilities that you could only enjoy if you had a PC or Mac with BlueStacks installed. You can download the links below.

Download GenyMotion

So we hope you’ll enjoy

Ver también: Download BlueStacks for PC





  1. Genymotion… per Linux, Ubuntu

    Innanzitutto NoN è gratuito come bluestacks, infatti chiede l’inserimento del numero della carta di credito per utilizzarlo oltre il periodo di prova.
    Presenta difficoltà e problematiche nell’installare programmi android.

    Installato e disinstallato dopo pochi giorni!!!

  2. Telling people to buy something different instead of developing a Linux version? Why not just tell people to install Wine and piss off at that point.


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