How to root BlueStacks


In today’s article we will teach you how to root Bluestacks for PC. You must be aware that all the steps that we are going to follow are important.

The advantage of being root is we can do many things that we can’t do if we are not root, for example install applications that only work in root mode or use applications to get coins from the games along with many others who also need the root mode.

To root BlueStacks you will need King Root and RootChecker.

Steps to Root BlueStacks

In addition your version of BlueStacks has to be the most recent so if you have an older version you must uninstall it first and install the new one. Steps to root BlueStacks are:

  1. Open BlueStacks and click on the “APK” menu option.
  2. Select the directory of the KingRoot application that you have downloaded and press open (we’ll wait for the APK installation).
  3. Open KingRoot, and open the Fix button and start rooting (we wait for the process to finish), and finally have BlueStacks rooted.
  4. Now install from the Google play Rootchecker, to verify and verify that it has been rooted correctly (not a strictly necessary step).

Steps to be super user on BlueStacks

But if you really want to grant super user permissions follow the following steps:

  1. Download SuperSU APK and open APK inside BlueStacks.
  2. Click on the blue button.
  3. We give root access and repeat step 2.

Steps to root Bluestacks 5

The process to root Bluestacks 5 is much more simple, you just to edit the file bluestacks.conf. See the video bellow for more details.

root bluestacks



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