How to Play Minecraft on PC (Pocket Edition)


In this guide you will learn how to install the game for Android Minecraft on PC, in a simple and easy to understand way.

Minecraft is the greatest phenomenon that has existed in the history of video games. The title developed by Mojang Studios and created by programmer Markus Persson (known as Notch).

Minecraft Pocket Edition was released in 2009 but it was not until 2011 when it was fully completed, and after its success it was acquired by Microsoft. In 2011 a version for Android was developed.

What is Pocket Minecraft?

It is an open world game based on building blocks for mobile. Each block is an editable three-dimensional cube that can be placed anywhere on the stage. Each block belongs to natural elements  where we have stoneearthwoodmetals, etc and we can create or destroy blocks at will to build or modify the environment with any idea we have in mind.

The player begins in a generated world that can have desertsoceansjunglesplains etc, in which he can move at will. As the scenario is created by a pseudo-random algorithm, there are no 2 equal worlds, which gives it an essential richness and the possibility of creating infinite worlds. There are also weather conditions such as rain or snow, and day and night phases (24 real hours are equivalent to 20 minutes in the game).

Minecraft does not have a specific objective, but rather it is a game of entertainment and creativity beyond completing missions. Although it is true that it has an achievement system.

The game is enjoyed in the first person, although it can be played in the third, and has 5 main game modesAdventureSpectatorSurvival, Creative (with unlimited resources) and extreme of which some are a true multiplayer experience. You can also create new custom game modes or adjust the difficulty, allowing you to enjoy a scenario without enemies in peaceful mode.

Players can create farms to make the materials that they will use to construct buildingsmonumentsreplicas of real constructions or any idea that you are able to develop through their fixed grid system.

The scenarios already have natural structures created, but you can also find townstemples in the junglesconstructions buried by the sea, extraction mines, and even Egyptian pyramids, which we can alter to modify them to our liking and create what we are capable of imagine.

Within the marketplace you can discover all the creations of the community, get maps, and texture packs to modify the appearance of the game. But there are also countless mods to modify playable or graphic aspects, in which you can play Minecraft with raytracing or ultra-realistic textures.

The commands on the slash allow you to make modifications such as changing the time, dropping objects, importing models, and much more. You can also further personalize your experience with the add-ons.

The multiplayer mode supports up to 10 simultaneous players from different platforms, and there are free or private servers where you can enjoy huge worlds and enjoy them with thousands of people.

The success of Minecraft

Minecraft is possibly the most played video game in history, and it has its reasons. It was the first open world construction game, and that has allowed it to be the pioneer in its niche.

Although there are other important aspects such as its aesthetic simplicity , and that is that we can assemble anything that we imagine based on cubes, which may seem a priori an outdated idea, but it gives it a unique and recognizable aesthetic by anyone, easy to recognize.

But one of the most important factors (if not the most important) is its customization. The number of mods, skins, add-ons and resources created by the community extend the experience to infinity, and make Minecraft one of the best games in history par excellence.

Pocket Minecraft Features

  • Up to 10 players.
  • Open world genre.
  • 5 game modes.
  • Great community.
  • Lots of mods and customizations.
  • Simple 3D graphics (low requirements).
  • It has a Marketplace.

Is there Pocket Minecraft for PC?

Minecraft on PC
Minecraft on PC

There is currently no Pocket Minecraft for PC. You can currently purchase the classic version of Minecraft for PC. But if your priority is to play the Android (Pocket) version of Minecraft on PC, you need to install the Bluestacks program on your PC. To download and install Minecraft Pocket on your PC follow the instructions that I am going to give you:

Steps to play the Pocket Minecraft on PC

  1. Download and install BlueStacks on your PC.
  2. Complete the login for accessing Google Play Store, or do it later.
  3. Search for Minecraft in the search bar in the upper right corner, buy it and install it.
  4. Complete the Google login (if you skipped step 2) to install Minecraft.
  5. Click on the Minecraft icon on the Bluestacks home screen to start playing.

How to Play Minecraft on PC (Pocket Edition)


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